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lunes, 23 de julio de 2012

Travel challenge

Hace mucho que no escribía, por x o y (como decimos por acá). Pero hace poco leí un blog de una niña sueca que ha viajado por muchas partes interesantísimas. Me encanto leerlo y ver sus fotos. Dentro de su blog, tenia una lista de "travel challenge". Me recordo el "chismografo" que teniamos en la secundaria o prepa. Este, era un cuaderno en blanco, en el que alguien con mucha imaginación, ponía una pregunta sobre cada pagina, podían llegar a ser hasta 100 preguntas sobre hobbies, gustos, preferencias amorosas por alguien etc. Cosas de adolescentes. Entonces este cuaderno, lo pasaban por todo el salón de clases o por el que quisiera participar. Cada quien contestaba las 100 preguntas en un pequeño espacio, lo subrayaba y le ponía su nombre abajo, así todos podían saber que había respondido quien. En fin, después de eso surgieron muchas cosas mas, como chismografos por mail, y este travel ch. se parece un poco.

Stockholm, Sweden
Normandie, North of France
Cancun, Mexico
Toronto, Canada
Bahia de Kino, Mexico

Asia: Thailand, Cambodia
Europe: Croatia, Czech republic, Austria, Hungary.

I had several adventures, more like crisis or the fear type:
-Run around ALL the moving train(metro) because we were in the last wagon, and that one didn't stop in our exit and it was the last stop.This was in NYC. All the people were looking at us like weirdo-s.

-In my honeymoon, we arrive in London at 3 pm, get to our hotel room at 4, and then RUN(again) to the underground to catch the train to Manchester at 5(we were going to a football game). We almost lose it,but catch it. Then run to the stadium because at certain time,it was going to close the entrance. We did it, but when the game was over, we run again to catch the bus to take us to the train station. Obviously there were no trains(all was booked), no flights,no buses, no nothing. We ask in a pub if they know where we can spend the night (something cheap), and they gave us a room in the same place. The place was hideous, but we spend the night and catch a very early train to London. 

-Champ de Mars (Eiffel tower)
-Being goofy in Times square (NYC).

Where my people live, where I keep all my stuff.

My bed.

I LOVE indian butter chicken and was obsessed with the culture, but not anymore. Now, I still love the indian food, but I get so impressed by all the nordic stuff.

Laura non ce - Nek (italian)

My phone, aspirins,a comfortable pair of shoes and lip gloss.

Yes. A lot of things like first time using the subway, making friends from around the world.

My parents.

"The one who is tired of London, is tired of life"  Samuel Johnson.

I think that the half person I am today, I owe it to all the traveling I did.
Being independent, tolerable, understanding, adaptable.

15- Advice to someone who’s thinking about traveling outside the country
I highly recommend it. I wish all the people could have this wonderful experience. 

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